The Reformed Millennial
Millennials get a bad rap. Supposedly, we are lazy, entitled, and responsible for the death of numerous industries, from the diamond to cable TV*. As far as some people are concerned, we are all living in the basement of our parents’ homes while we watch Netflix and spend what little money we have on brunch and our smartphone bills. And we are leaving the church in droves.
While some claims about millennials may be ridiculous, sadly our generation is evacuating from the church. But not all of us. While many of our generational brothers and sisters caved to the secular culture we grew up in, a few of us went looking for answers elsewhere.
Whether through YouTube, Podcasts, books, social media, or some other outlet, many of us discovered an expression of Christianity that gave us answers to the questions we were asking. That expression of faith was Reformed theology.
It spoke of a fallen, depraved human race and a sovereign, loving God. It taught faith alone and the authority of Scripture over tradition. It spoke about God's glory and Christ's sacrifice. It was rich academically and grounded historically. And most importantly, it made sense of the world around us. It did not waver in the face of terrorism, a failing economy, war, or even death. It did not insist that God was powerless to help his creation, but instead that he was sovereign over it and orchestrating everything that happened in it according to his will.
And we latched onto it.
So much, in fact, that the secular world took notice. Time magazine wrote about it. It became a movement and was given a name: the Young, Restless, and Reformed. Suddenly, the evangelical world was teeming with new Calvinists and since then, Reformed churches have seen their attendance grow by 200%.**
But I fear that some of us will fall by the wayside. That we will slip through the cracks. That even though we quickly embraced Reformed theology, we will just as quickly let go of it. That when this fad has run its course (as all fads do), we will be left wanting and vulnerable to whatever theological novelty comes along next. That we will stop reforming.
I believe the storm is already brewing within the larger evangelical world. And I fear that if this younger generation of Reformed believers (of which I am a part) is not grounded in the historic confessions of faith, they will get lost in the wave of the next theological fad or social justice issue and miss the point entirely.
I don’t want that to happen. And I think the only way to prevent it is to make sure these Reformed millennials are experiencing more than just the tip of the iceberg of Reformed theology. To not let them be satisfied with TULIP, but to ensure that they are exposed to a full-bodied, confessional, Reformed Christianity that anchors them in the Bible and in the historic confessions of faith.
It is my goal here to give Reformed believers, both new and old, resources from a confessional perspective to ensure that they can be fully grounded in the Word of God and not be subjected to the ebb and flow of broader evangelical Christianity.
There's lots brewing on the blog lately! First a name change, then a website redesign, and now a brand new Resources tab with links that will help you learn more about confessional, Reformed Christianity! Make sure to check it out as soon as you can! As always, if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below or hit me up on Twitter @1689Millennial! And don't forget to hit that subscribe button below, you'll get emails with all of the latest posts and updates!