Stephen Hawking and Our Omniscient God
Yesterday morning, my social media feeds informed me of the death of famous scientist Stephen Hawking. If you’ve been at all exposed to pop culture within the last 20 years or so, you have undoubtedly heard of Stephen Hawking and his many achievements. Instantly recognizable, Hawking had a mind so sharp it led some people to compare him to Einstein. And rightly so. Hawking pioneered the study of black holes and brought the academic, lofty subject of physics down to the common man with his book A Brief History of Time.
He will go down in the history books as one of the most brilliant minds this world has ever seen. Indeed, the world lost a great thinker this week.
But as I read the book of Job this morning, a thought occurred to me as I mediated on a particular verse from chapter 21. Look at what Job declares:
“Will any teach God knowledge, seeing that he judges those who are on high?” (Job 21:22 ESV)
Job, in one of his replies to Zophar concerning the prosperity of the wicked, declares that no one may inform God of something He was not already aware of. In other words, God is infinitely omniscient. He knows everything.
Which means, in all of Stephen Hawking’s brilliance – in all of his understanding of black holes and quantum physics and the inner workings of the vast universe – he never discovered anything, never knew anything, that God did not already know. In fact, all of Stephen Hawking’s discoveries existed within the realm of knowledge that God has possessed for all time. Had Stephen Hawking lived a thousand lives, he still would not have begun to grasp even a fraction of the knowledge that God has known since before he was born - indeed, before the universe as we know it existed.
While Stephen Hawking was one of the most brilliant minds to ever exist, we must remember that He came from the only omniscient One. The One whose ways are infinitely higher than ours (Is. 55:9). The One in whom we “live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Let us marvel at the infinite knowledge of our holy God.
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